V-Bot 4.0 Drone
Likely Alucard
Advanced Avatars 3.0 Animation Model for VRChat.
Comes With .Blend .unitypackage and Substance Project
- Voice Activated Pistol With Working Ammo Counter and Reload Animations
- Face Laser Animation
- Arm Blasters
- Sci-Fi Spawn In (optional) REQUIRES POIYOMI PRO SHADER!!!
- Puppet System for Desktop to control Arms
- Full animations for Desktop!
- Expressions on Visor in v1.6
WARNING!!: I am aware of an issue with the v7.3.05 Shader included in newer Poiyomi Packages. The new shader will not transfer the data on what properties are marked as "Animated"
---Thanks to @Dragon_Senpai on Discord for bringing this to my Attention!
List of Animated Properties (Mark in Materials where Enabled):
- Lighting & Reflections --> Rim Lighting --> Rim Color
- Lighting & Reflections --> Rim Lighting --> Rim Emission
- Lighting & Reflections --> Rim Lighting --> Rim Color Brighten
- Metallics & Specular --> Force Fallback Reflections
- (Not on "Holster" Material) Special Effects --> Emission --> Emission Color
- (Only on "Weapons" Material) Special Effects --> Emission --> Emission Strength
- (Not on "Holster" Material) Special Effects --> Emission 2 --> Emission Color
- (Only on "Weapons" Material) Special Effects --> Emission 2 --> Emission Strength
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Noise Intensity
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Spawn Alpha
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Gradient Start
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Gradient End
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Emission Color
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Emission Width
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Vertex Offset Speed
- (Pro Only) Spawns --> Sci Fi --> Vert Width
How to Tune Voice Activated Gun to your Voice:
- You will need to go into VRChat, open a Debug Panel while in an AV3 Avatar. Then Record yourself Saying "Gun" so you can catch what numbers the "Viseme" parameter lands on while saying the phrase
- Make sure you speak in a repeatable consistent way the best you can
- Find what 3 numbers in order it hits the most often in the recording
- Make sure the Panel is visible in the recording so you can watch it when playing back the recording
- MAKE SURE IT IS THE MIC YOU INTEND TO USE IN-GAME, as that will affect the numbers
Assets Used:
- [Not Included] Poi Pro v7.1.39 --- https://www.patreon.com/poiyomi
- [Not Included] Dope v2.16 (Optional) -- https://www.patreon.com/dopestuff
- Doppel Distortion Wave
- [Not Included] Mochie Particles --- https://github.com/MochiesCode/Mochies-Unity-Shaders/releases <-- Required for CVR
- Krypto FX Mesh Effect Lightning Shader
- Krypto FX RFX4 Particle Shader
---Noteworthy Stuff---
- V-Bot Derivative sold with written permission from https://www.invector.xyz/
- Drone Inspired by Euphoria's "Safety Bot"
- Sounds from https://www.bluezone-corporation.com/
- Select Sounds mixed by Euphoria
64 sales
Project Files Included:
Substance Project
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